Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I have been a little late in posting my story but we have been sick. Dave got a cold that turned into bronchitis. Then we thought he had pneumonia but he didn’t. Finally started on the antibiotics and then I stared coughing. I really don’t have time for a cold so I started on the pills also.
It is interesting but when I ran the business it was rare for me to get ill. I guess I never stood still long enough for anything to catch up with me.
I had been discussing pills with Doctor Pitkin. He always tried to keep the pills low and not give out any medicine that was not necessary. That was fine but there was always one person who would want more.
When I got a new resident in Doc would come and check the person out. Sometimes he would change the medicine and the person usually agreed with what he said. I had one lady, Nellie, who insisted she needed pain pills all the time. It was almost impossible to reason with her. She would insist she was in horrible pain but you knew she wasn’t. She was the type of person who cried out in pain if you tried to give her a small hug. She didn’t want anyone touching her at all. When Dr. Pitkin came he had to do an exam on her. He told me she would scream and to prepare myself. I tell you, gentle reader, that was an understatement. and I am telling you, dear reader, she screamed!! I don’t mean she yelled I mean she literally screamed! It scared a few people but when he left she was fine. I was just happy he didn’t have to do that anymore.
There were a few people I got who had been off their medicine for a long time. They thought if they cut their pills in half it would save money. I heard these stories like this and also another was to save teabags. If done properly they would use the same tea bag over & over. It made me sad to think of how they deprived themselves.
We had no rules when it came to visiting. I always said anyone could come when they wanted. If I was vacuuming or washing clothes it never seemed to bother anyone. One day a lady said her son, who was a president at a college was coming to visit. So I got my hair done and dressed up and waited. I wanted to make a really good impression. He finally showed up and he was wearing mens knee pants and a T-Shirt. He remarked he never dressed unless he was working!! I really felt stupid so I went and changed into my everyday clothes and forgot about it. The residents always wore what they wanted because it was their home and they were comfortable.
That is it for now,dear reader, so until the next time when you have nothing to do for 5 minutes count your blessings. This is very easy to do when you're sitting at a stop light. Don’t get upset with traffic, cool down. Think positive and start counting and you will be amazed at how nice life can be.

Love Red

Monday, November 17, 2008


I dealt with people dying a lot in the 30 years of running the business. It was never easy but I learned to cope with it over the years. It was never the same with anyone. I never developed the professional attitude. I cried for all of them because I cared.
When my Mother died it was very peaceful and she was actually smiling. Mom had Parkinson’s disease and years ago there was not a lot you could do about it. To see this beautiful intelligent woman deteriorate was horrible. She had always enjoyed making quilts but her hands shook so she had to stop. I think that was the worst time of the disease. The night she died she told my sister, Esther, she was going to see Harry & Paul. Harry was my Dad who had died before and Paul was my brother who died when he was 8 years old. My sister told me what Mom said and I walked into the bedroom and asked her how she was. She said she was tired. I said, “You better get some sleep or you will have dark circles under your eyes. How can I tell everyone I have the most beautiful Mother in the world with that?” She smiled that beautiful smile and said “I love you, honey”! I said “ I love you Mom” and that was all. She died in her sleep about four hours later. It was sad but I was happy she was at peace. That is the way I always felt when one of my people passed on. Their suffering was over and they were in a better place with no pain.
I had a phone call last Tuesday to let me know my dear friend, Edith, had died. I tell you dear reader; it was a very hard thing to hear. This is the lady I met in the Doctor’s office and helped out. I wrote about her in my blog May 18. She did move to Georgia and lived with her daughter & son-in-law and she loved it. We visited her in October and went to the Atlanta Aquarium with the family. This is because I took a minute to talk to someone in a doctor's office who needed a friend. I ended up meeting the family and now I have more friends and a lot of beautiful memories. When I think I only knew her a short time but I will remember this gracious lady the rest of my life.
The only bad time when a person dies is when the family doesn’t care. There have been many of those. One time they even refused to buy a decent dress for burial and I was so shocked. It wasn’t that she didn’t have anything it was the fact the relatives wanted it all. They didn’t understand why she needed something new to be buried in. She had lots of night gowns but no dresses. The reason for not having dresses or slacks is because she was bedridden and only wore night gowns. The niece suggested we use her nightgown. You must realize, dear reader, I had to be nice to everyone but in a situation like that it was very hard. On the other hand there were relatives who literally went to pieces. In my way of thinking the true colors of people came out.
In closing ,dear friend, I ask you to call a person you have neglected or argued with and remain friends. Life is too short to hold grudges and you will feel better for it and so will they.
Love Red