Tuesday, March 31, 2009


What a beautiful day today. I am at work and the sun is shining and snow melting!!! It makes you feel good just to think spring is on the way.
The couple I take care of are in their nineties and it is a pleasure to be allowed to care for them.
She has Parkinson’s and unable to walk any more. He has heart problems and uses a walker. His mind is excellent but hers is not too good. When she smiles, gentle reader, it is a great thing to see.
This is the type of job you really learn to appreciate what you have. To see people married for over 60 years and still totally devoted to each other. She might have dementia but she knows her family and always knows her husband.
I was feeling sorry for myself, dear reader, because of my eyesight and than I see these folks and forget my problems.
I need to count my blessings more often. It is very easy to sink into depression and be angry but it does not help.
When I see the sun shingg it reminds me of Ed. He had come to live with us when he was about 70.His vision was getting bad and he needed a lot of help. He was having a hard time getting used to the idea he couldn’t drive any more. A friend had brought his car to him and I was upset with this. I told him I didn’t allow cars here but he refused to move it. Than I told him he would have to pay storage fees for this. That got his attention. I contacted his friend and told him to come and get it. Ed had thought with the car here he could just go sit in it sometimes. I know how he felt but than he thought he could just drive around town. I felt like I spent most of my time trying to make Ed feel better.
When I explained how easy it would be to hit someone he just argued. I finally told him his friend had 24 hours to move the car or I would have it towed. His friend came and got the car and I called Dr. Pitkin to come and see ED.
Dr. Pitkin came and he prescribed an antdepressaant for him.It took about two weeks for this to work but after that Ed was fine. He started coming out of his room and talking to the other people. That really helped immensely. I don’t believe in taking a lot of medicine but sometimes, gentle reader, it is necessary. I even felt like I needed something by than!!!
I quit smoking 5 years ago and you know, gentle reader, I still find myself reaching for a cigarette sometimes. When I do I pick up the phone and call a friend. The same is true of depression so I pick the phone up again. Thank God I have great friends who put up with me.
Until the next time ,please call a friend and thank them for being your friend.
Love, Red

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